Link and Learn International 利用規約
See below for the English version.
皆さまに気持ちよく参加していただく為、下記についてご留意ください。注意事項を遵守していただけないとLink and Learn Internationalが判断した場合は、参加をお断りさせていただくことがあります。
Link and Learn Internationalでは感染防止に十分注意しながらイベントを運営します。ご参加にあたってはマスクの着用や咳エチケットの順守など感染防止へのご協力をお願いいたします。ご協力いただけない場合、ご参加をお断りすることがあります。
施設内、セッション受講中に発生した急病、傷害については、Link and Learn Internationalや講師は応急処置のみ行い、その後の治療やその他の責は負いません。各種保険等は、各人で必要に応じてご加入ください。
貴重品はご自身で管理し、盗難等には十分ご留意ください。スタジオ・施設内での盗難、破損、紛失等について、Link and Learn Internationalは損害賠償の責任を負いません。
セッション内容の著作権は講師、およびLink and Learn Internationalに帰属します。また講師やLink and Learn Internationalが録音、録画、写真撮影したセッション内容を二次使用することもありますので、ご了承ください。
Link and Learn International TERMS AND CONDITIONS
In order to ensure a comfortable participation and experience for all attendees, please take note of the following terms. Failure to adhere to the specified guidelines at the discretion of Link and Learn International may result in denial of participation.
Health Conditions: Participants are advised to refrain from attending sessions if they are unwell or have an abnormal body temperature. It is the responsibility of each participant to maintain their health and well-being. Specifically, those intending to participate in physical activities such as sports, dance, or yoga are urged to assess their current health status before the session.
Infection Prevention: Link and Learn International will diligently implement measures to prevent the spread of infections during events. Attendees are expected to cooperate by wearing masks and observing proper cough etiquette. Non-compliance may lead to refusal of participation.
Consent Form: Enrollment in any yoga, fitness, dance, or sports class is contingent upon the signing of a health care or injury consent form prior to participation.
Emergency Situations: In the event of sudden illness or injury during facility occupancy or session participation, Link and Learn International and its instructors will provide immediate assistance through basic first aid procedures. Subsequent medical treatment or any associated liabilities shall be the sole responsibility of the affected individual. Attendees are strongly encouraged to acquire appropriate insurance coverage as deemed necessary.
Security and Liability: Attendees are advised to assume responsibility for the safekeeping of personal belongings and to exercise caution against theft or loss within the studio or facility premises. Link and Learn International shall not be held liable for any instances of theft, damage, or loss.
Lost and Found Policy: Items found within the studio premises will be retained for a period of three months. Unclaimed items beyond this period shall be disposed of accordingly, with due consideration for storage constraints.
Prohibited Activities: Solicitation of items or involvement in religious activities within the studio is strictly prohibited.
Child Attendance: With the exception of children actively participating in sessions, accompanying children are discouraged from entering the premises.
Intellectual Property: The intellectual property rights of session content are vested in the instructors and Link and Learn International. Participants hereby acknowledge and consent to the possibility of recorded, filmed, or photographed session content being utilized for secondary purposes.
Conduct: Any form of harassment, intimidation, or disruptive behavior directed towards instructors, participants, or employees, including unjustified complaints or demands beyond legal obligations, may result in denial of participation. In such instances, refunds for participation fees shall not be issued.