Membership Rules and Guidelines




Link and Learn Internationalは、会員制多文化カルチャースタジオです。受講のお申込み手続きの完了をもって、本規約に同意したものとみなします。

Link and Learn International is a membership-based multicultural studio. Upon completion of the application process for enrollment, it will be considered that you have agreed to these terms.


・Link and Learn Internationalは会員制です。
・Link and Learn International の会員有効期限は、入会日から2年間です。継続して受講する場合、更新料は無料となります。更新手続きを行わずに有効期限が過ぎた場合、再度入会金が必要となります。


Link and Learn International is a membership-based institution.
・A membership fee of ¥8,000 is required upon enrollment.
・For those attending classes for the first time, please enroll as a member simultaneously with your class registration. Trial lessons and some special events can be attended without membership.
・The membership of Link and Learn International is valid for two years from the date of enrollment. If you continue attending classes, no renewal fee will be required. However, if the membership expires without completing the renewal process, a new enrollment fee will be required to rejoin.
・If your family member residing at the same address is already a member, your enrollment fee will be half price.
・Enrollment of a minor (individuals under the age of 18) requires the completion and submission of a consent form signed by a legal guardian.
・Those under 20 years of age are not eligible to apply for events or classes involving alcohol.
・Upon enrollment, you will be asked to provide your address, name, gender, date of birth, telephone number, emergency contact, and email address. Please inform us promptly of any changes to your registered address, telephone number, or email address.
・The qualifications of membership and the right to attend are only available to the member who applied, and cannot be transferred or loaned to others. 


Link & Learn Internationalは3学期制です。3か月ごとに定期クラスがあります。クラスは途中からでもお申し込みいただけます。

[Class Enrollment]

Link & Learn International operates on a trimester system, offering regular classes every three months. Enrollment is available at any time, even after the class has started.

A facility usage fee of 1,200 yen will be charged seasonally to cover electricity costs, including heating and cooling. In addition to tuition fees and the facility usage fee, certain classes may require additional payments for materials, textbooks, or insurance.

Tuition must be paid upfront. Enrollment is on a first-come, first-served basis and will close once the class is full.



[Observation and Trial Lessons]

Please sign up for a studio tour (within 5 minutes) or a trial class (limited to one class per person) at least two business days in advance.



[Payment Methods]

Class fees can be paid via credit card or bank transfer (any transfer fees shall be borne by the customer). For payments in cash or through electronic payment methods (e.g., QR code), please contact us in advance to make arrangements.


講師の病気・けがなどのやむを得ない事情や、台風・地震などの自然災害、疫病の流行、国や自治体による休業命令などにより、休講する場合があります。緊急に一斉休講する場合は、ホームページ上で発表し、個別の電話連絡は原則として差し上げません。ホームページをご確認くださるようお願いいたします。その場合、出来る限り補講やオンライン授業を設定しますが、事情により実施できないことがあります。補講ができない場合は、正規価格で受講されている方のみ、休講分を返金いたします。 募集時に一定数の受講者が集まらなかった場合、開講日を延期、または講座を中止することがあります。 上記以外の理由でも、代理講師での実施や、講座カリキュラムを一部変更することがあります。これによる受講料の返金はいたしません。 

[Cancellation of Classes, Curriculum Changes]

Classes may be canceled due to unavoidable circumstances such as illness or injury of instructors, natural disasters such as typhoons or earthquakes, outbreaks of infectious diseases, or orders for closure by national or local governments. In the event of emergency class cancellations, announcements will be made on the website, individual phone calls will generally not be made. Please check the website for updates. In such cases, we will endeavor to arrange makeup classes or online lessons, but they may not always be feasible. If makeup classes cannot be conducted, only those who have enrolled at the regular price will be refunded for the canceled sessions. If the required number of students is not met during recruitment, the opening date may be postponed or the course may be canceled. In addition to the above reasons, substitute instructors may be used or the course curriculum may be partially changed. There will be no refunds for changes in enrollment certificates due to this. 


・受講クラスの変更をご希望の場合は、お名前、受講クラス、変更希望の受講クラスをご記入の上、メールにて までお問い合わせください。
・ヨガクラス共通回数券をご購入の方で、都合により受講クラスを他のクラスへ振り替えたい場合は、2日前までにご連絡いただければ振替が可能です。お名前、受講クラス、変更希望の受講日をご記入の上、メールにて までお問い合わせください。

[Change of Class Enrollment] 

To request a change to your enrolled class, please contact us via email at Be sure to include your full name, the current class, and the class you wish to transfer to.

For holders of yoga class package tickets, rescheduling to another class is possible if requested at least two days in advance. Please apply by sending an email to with your full name, the current class, and the preferred date for the rescheduled class. 


解約の手続きは、所定の解約届をご提出ください。営業日の営業時間内に当会事務局にて承ります。口頭やお電話での解約は承れませんのでご注意ください。 一定数の受講者が集まらずクラスが不成立の場合や、講師や当会のやむを得ない事情でクラスが一度も実施できなかった場合は、お支払いいただいた全額を返金します。入会と同時にそのクラスの受講申し込みをされた場合は、お支払いいただいた入会金も併せて返金します。

解約申し出の時期 キャンセル料
受講開始日から起算して7日前まで 正規受講料の15%
受講開始日から起算して6日前から3日前まで 正規受講料の20%
受講開始日から起算して2日前から開始日 正規受講料の全額
受講開始日以降 未実施回数分の正規受講料の20%


特別割引、一括割引を利用してクラス受講料をお支払いいただき、途中解約する場合は、キャンセル料は正規料金を基に計算します。受講者が期の途中で、転居、病気やけがなどやむを得ない理由で受講不可能となった場合、お申し出の翌日以降の残り回数分について、キャンセル料と銀行振込手数料を差し引いた額を返金いたします。 前払いした一括料金―(正規料金×利用した月料金)―銀行振込手数料=返金金額となります。 病気やその他個人的な理由など会員側の事情による欠席には、振り替えや返金を致しません。 有効期限を過ぎた未使用の受講券には、いかなる理由であっても返金を致しません。 講師や当センターがあらかじめ準備した教材や材料の費用は、返金できないことがあります。 

[Termination / Cancellation] 

The procedure for cancellation requires submitting the designated cancellation form. We will process cancellations at our office during business hours on business days. Please note that cancellations cannot be accepted verbally or over the phone. 

If a class fails to materialize due to insufficient enrollment or if classes cannot be held at all due to circumstances such as instructor availability or our unavoidable circumstances, the full amount paid will be refunded. If enrollment in a class was made at the same time as membership, the enrollment fee paid will also be refunded. 

In the event of cancellation by the participant's convenience, if the cancellation is made by the day before the start date of the class, cancellation fees (see table below) will be charged depending on the timing of the request.

Time of Cancellation Request Cancellation Fee
Up to 7 days before the start date 15% of the regular tuition fee
From 6 days before the start date to 3 days before 20% of regular tuition fee
From 2 days before to the start date 100% of regular tuition fee
On or after the start date 20% of regular tuition fee for remaining sessions not held

If you have used special discounts or lump-sum discounts for class tuition fees and cancel midway, the cancellation fee will be calculated based on the regular fee. 
If a participant becomes unable to attend classes due to reasons such as relocation, illness, or injury during the term, we will refund the remaining sessions from the day after the request, deducting the cancellation fee and bank transfer fees. 

Refund amount = Lump sum paid in advance - (Regular fee × months used) - bank transfer fees
Absences due to illness or other personal reasons on the part of the member will not be rescheduled or refunded. 
We will not issue refunds for unused tickets that have expired, regardless of the reason. 
The cost of teaching materials and supplies prepared by instructors or the center may not be refunded. 



[Class Guideline] 

・We operate classes with full attention to infection prevention. We ask for your cooperation in infection prevention measures such as wearing masks and practicing cough etiquette during classes. If cooperation is not possible, we may refuse attendance.
・Except when the child is attending the class personally, please refrain from bringing children into the classroom for attendance.
・You may enter the classroom approximately 5 minutes before the start of the class. Please tidy up promptly after the class ends and exit the room. Please take home your personal equipements, items, textbooks, that you bring with you each time you leave.
・Recording or filming within the classroom is not permitted.
・Please take sufficient care of your health when attending classes. If you are attending sports, dance, or outdoor classes, especially on the day of the class, check your health condition carefully. In the event of sudden illness or injury during class, only first aid will be provided, and we will not be responsible for subsequent treatment or other responsibilities.
・Please take sufficient care of your personal belongings, especially valuables. We are not responsible for theft, damage, or loss of personal items within the facility.
・Sales, advertising, solicitation, or exchange of money or goods between participants in the classroom are strictly prohibited. 


反社会的勢力もしくは反社会的活動を行う団体に所属し、または反社会的活動に参加している方、または過去に反社会的勢力もしくは反社会的活動を行う団体に所属し、または反社会的活動に参加した経歴を有する方の入会申し込みはお受けできません。 入会申し込み後に、申込者が反社会的勢力もしくは反社会的活動を行う団体に所属し、または反社会的活動に参加していることが判明した場合、または過去に反社会的勢力もしくは反社会的活動を行う団体に所属し、または反社会的活動に参加した経歴を有することが判明した場合は、直ちに退会していただきます。返金には応じられません。 

[Refusal of Membership] 

Applications for membership will not be accepted from individuals who belong to or participate in antisocial forces or activities, or who have a history of belonging to or participating in antisocial forces or activities. If it is discovered after applying for membership that the applicant belongs to or participates in antisocial forces or activities, or has a history of belonging to or participating in antisocial forces or activities, they will be immediately expelled. No refunds will be given. 


・ 物品販売及び広告宣伝、営業行為、宗教や政党、他団体への勧誘、募金や署名活動等の行為。
・当社の契約に関わる支払いを 3 カ月以上滞納した場合、または支払いの見込みがないと当社が判断したとき。

[Prohibited Acts] 

Users of the facility must not engage in the following acts:
・Acts that disturb the order or decorum of our organisation or facility.
・Acts that harm or may harm the safety or health of oneself or others.
・Activities such as selling goods, advertising, soliciting business, recruiting for religious or other organizations, fundraising, or petitioning.
・Behavior that causes inconvenience, discomfort, intimidation, or violence to other participants or instructors.
・Acts that alter or damage the interior or facilities of the premises.
・Photography, recording, or filming with cameras or recording devices including mobile phones during classes (except with permission from the center or instructor).
・Any other acts similar to the above. 




Individuals falling under any of the following categories may be refused admission or asked to withdraw from enrollment:
・Those who violate or may violate our rules and guidelines.
・Those who damage or may damage the reputation or credibility of our organisation.
・Those who disturb or may disturb the order of our facility.
・Members of organized crime groups or those associated with them.
・Those who may be unable to use the facilities due to alcohol consumption, drug use, etc.
・Others whom the center deems inappropriate for facility use. 



[Emergency Requests] 

In the event of a fire, earthquake, or other disaster, please act calmly under the instructions of the instructor. Please familiarize yourself with emergency exits and evacuation routes in advance. 



[Request for Email Address Registration] 

We ask for your email address registration to promptly inform you of cancellations, course information, etc., via email. Please refer to the "Protection of Personal Information" section for information on handling personal information.


 [This English translation is provided for convenience purposes only. The Japanese version of this document shall be regarded as the official version. In the event of a dispute, the Japanese language version shall prevail.]