Upcoming Events
Yoga for Posture Awareness & Improvement: Special Event Class: Chair Yoga: Challenge Yourself
This session introduces simple exercises using a chair that you can easily practice at home. Learn posture correction techniques that can be incorporated into daily life.
椅子を使った簡単なエクササイズで、日常生活でも実践可能な姿勢改善法をご紹介しますHatha Yoga & Flow Yoga Special Event Class: Valentine’s Day Chocolate Meditation
Chocolate will be provided, but if you have specific dietary requirements such as vegan or allergies, please bring your own suitable items.
ハタ・ヨーガ&フローヨガ 特別イベントクラス:バレンタインデーにちなんだチョコレート・メディテーション
Relaxation Yoga & Meditation : Special Event Class: Valentine’s Day Chocolate Meditation
Chocolate will be provided, but if you have specific dietary requirements such as vegan or allergies, please bring your own suitable items.
リラックスヨガ&メディテーション :バレンタインデーにちなんだチョコレート・メディテーション
Hatha Yoga & Flow Yoga Special Event Class: Indian Holi Festival of Colours : Yoga with Furoshiki and Stoles
Yoga with Furoshiki and Stoles, inspired by the vibrant colors of the Indian Holi Festival.(Furoshiki and stoles are available for loan, but please feel free to bring your favorite furoshiki or stole if you have one.)
ハタ・ヨーガ&フローヨガ 特別イベントクラス:色が舞うインドのホーリー祭に合わせ、風呂敷やストールを使ったヨガ
Relaxation Yoga & Meditation : Relaxing Yoga with Furoshiki and Stoles for the Colorful Indian Holi Festival
Yoga with Furoshiki and Stoles, inspired by the vibrant colors of the Indian Holi Festival.*Furoshiki and stoles are available for loan, but feel free to bring your own favorite ones.
リラックスヨガ&メディテーション :色が舞うインドのホーリー祭に合わせ、風呂敷やストールを使ったリラックスヨガ
Yoga for Posture Awareness & Improvement: Special Event Class: Yoga & Walking Tour for a Double Auspicious Day —Ichiryu Manbaibi (一粒万倍日) and Tora no Hi (寅の日)!
Ichiryu Manbaibi, a day believed to bring prosperity and success, coincides with Tora no Hi (Tiger Day), a day associated with strength and courage, creating a powerful combination of good fortune. After the yoga class, we’ll go on a walking tour to a nearby park. Let’s celebrate this rare, auspicious day and embrace the vibrant spirit of spring together.