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Link & Learn International
6/6 Bouncing Back - Cozy Discussion Salon in English 英会話ディスカッションサロン

On June 6, 2024, Link & Learn International held its first collaborative event with Kizuna Collective, an organization that runs English discussion salons. The event saw participation from people from 11 countries, totalling 18 attendees.
The theme for this event was "Bouncing Back– personal experiences of overcoming setbacks and discovering new opportunities in adversity". Participants were divided into small groups to answer pre-prepared questions, and the groups were shuffled to answer new questions as the event progressed. Despite the somewhat heavy theme, the participants, who had similar experiences such as struggling to build new lives in foreign cultures or overcoming the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, found endless topics to discuss.
After the discussion, there was a meditation session led by Meera Sensei, who conducts a yoga class in both English and Japanese every Friday at Link & Learn International.
For this event, three volunteers participated as operational support. Both Meera Sensei and the members of Kizuna Collective volunteered their time and efforts without compensation. Link & Learn International covered the expenses, including the venue and refreshments. At the end of the event, all the donations collected from the participants were given to Kizuna Collective to support their future activities.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who cooperated in creating this warm and welcoming gathering.
If you or a close friend are struggling with difficult experiences, there are places in Japan where you can receive free support in English or various other languages. Please refer to this URL for more information.https://linkandlearn.jp/2024-06-06_help_and_support_information/
2024年6月6日、Link&Learn Internationalでは、英語でのディスカッションサロンを運営しているkizuna collectiveとの、初めてのコラボレーションイベントを行いました。11カ国の方々が参加し、全員で18名となりました。
今回のテーマは「bouncing back - 逆境を乗り越え新しいチャンスを発見する」でした。少人数のグループに分かれて、あらかじめ用意した質問に答え、グループをシャッフルして新しい質問に答える形式で進めました。少し重いテーマではありましたが、母国を離れ異国の異文化の中で新しい生活を築くのに苦労したり、コロナ禍を乗り越えるなど、参加者の誰もが似たような経験を持っており、話は尽きない様子でした。
ディスカッションの後は、メディテーションを行いました。Link&Learn Internationalで毎週金曜日に英語と日本語の両言語で行うヨガクラスを担当してくださっているミラ先生が、瞑想をリードしてくださいました。
今回の企画には、運営サポートとして、3名のボランテイアの方が参加してくださいました。kizuna collectiveのメンバーも、メディテーションを行ったミラ先生も、全てボランティアとして無償で企画運営をしてくださいました。Link&Learn Internationalは会場と軽食などの費用を負担しました。会の最後に参加者の皆様から頂いた寄付金は、全て今後の活動費用としてkizuna collectiveへお渡ししました。

6/6 collaborative event with kizuna collective- 6月6日英会話ディスカッションサロン
Bouncing Back – Discussion on Overcoming Adversity Group Meditation
A short group meditation & cozy discussion salon where we'll chat about the topic of ‘bouncing back’ – personal experiences of overcoming setbacks and discovering new opportunities in adversity.
Whether it’s coping with loss or finding strength in difficult times, this is a space to share stories from our past (and present!) and support each other.
🔍 Basic Details
When? Thursday June 6th 2024, 19:00-20:30
Where? Ikenoue Studio
Who? Anyone is welcome!
Cost? Free, and donations are appreciated :)
Language? English
How it works: we do a few short rounds of chatting in different pairs/small groups, on question prompts that we’ve prepared (although you’re welcome to freely share about anything on this topic!), and then end with some whole-group sharing. As part of our gathering, bilingual yoga instructor Meera Sensei will lead us in a short meditation to help center our minds and bodies.
Bring your thoughts, your experiences, and let's have a meaningful conversation!
Important disclaimer: while we will endeavor to create a safe & brave space for vulnerable sharing & connecting, this is not intended to be group therapy nor a substitute for professional mental health support. If you are working through serious issues, we encourage you to seek help from a licensed professional.
⏳ Agenda
19:00 - Doors open, mingling time
19:10 - Lightly facilitated small group discussions, followed by whole group sharing
20:15 - Group meditation led by Meera Sensei
20:30 - Fin
💸 Participation fee
Link and Learn International is covering all operational costs for this event, so you can attend for free! If you find the event valuable and enjoyable, we kindly ask for a small donation (suggested: 500 yen) at the end of the event. Any amount is greatly appreciated.
Ikenoue Studio (2-48-21 Daizawa Setagaya)
5 mins from Shibuya by train and walking distance from Shimokitazawa
Google maps link: https://maps.app.goo.gl/Ab9sdEdnqF1TUGoS8
🌱 About kizuna collective
kizuna collective is a group of friendly people of all ages in tokyo who value curiosity, authenticity, and vulnerability. we're trying to build an alternative to default modes of socializing (parties & bars, unfulfilling conversations, spending a lot of yen) by hosting a diverse range of cozy, unconventional gatherings focused on forging meaningful 'kizuna' (絆 – connections, bonds of belonging). Follow us here & on insta for updates on upcoming events ❤️
🌱 About Link & Learn International
Link and Learn International is Tokyo’s learning hub, offering diverse classes like fitness sessions and cultural workshops, and hosting community activities for international development in Ikenoue and Shimokitazawa. All sessions are conducted in both English and Japanese, or multiple languages, promoting learning with local Japanese participants and enriching your global perspective. Discover a community where joy and growth await, tailored to your interests and age group. It's more than personal development; we are committed to the community, offering volunteer opportunities to help build a multicultural, inclusive environment.
Website: https://linkandlearn.jp/
If you find that you are unable to attend the event, we kindly request that you notify us by messaging or email at least two days in advance. Unfortunately, the Peatix system does not allow for ticket cancellations directly, so your timely notification will help us manage the event more effectively.
📨 Inquires
info@linkandlearn.jp or kizunacollectivetokyo@gmail.com
今回のイベントはLink and Learn Internationalとkizuna collectiveとのコラボレーションイベントです。日本人ボランティアスタッフはおりますが、進行および会話は全て英語で行われます。