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2024年3月2日土曜日の子ども向けグローバル体験イベント レポート
Report on Past Event
Children's Global Experience Event on Saturday, March 2, 2024


On the morning of Saturday, March 2, 2024, we held a global experience program event where foreign exchange students introduced their home countries to local children.
The volunteers who joined us this time are Urvi from India, Ali from Uzbekistan, Chris from Australia, Shinman from China, and Daiki from Japan. The volunteers were mainly international students studying at Keio University Graduate School, with students from the University of Tokyo also participating.
With 5 volunteer students, 17 children participants, 17 accompanying adults participants, and 9 operation supporting members, the event turned out to be a large-scale affair, with a total of 48 participants.
Student volunteers
Participated Children
Attended parents
Operation Supporters
Total Attendees

オーストラリアでは、アボリジニの聖地であるエアーズロックやオペラハウスなどを紹介してもらった後、オーストラリア特有のカンガルーを作るクラフトを行いました。さらに、オーストラリア独特の表現である”G’day mate”(こんにちは)、”Cheers”(ありがとう)などオーストラリア英語についても教わりました。
At the Australian booth, we were first introduced to iconic landmarks such as Ayers Rock and the Opera House. Following that, we participated in crafting Australian kangaroos. Additionally, we had the opportunity to learn about Australian English expressions such as "G’day mate" (hello) and "Cheers" (thank you).

At the Chinese booth, we discovered that the shape of the country's territory is often symbolically likened to an auspicious rooster. We also received explanations about China's Four Great Inventions from ancient times: printing, papermaking, the compass, and gunpowder. Furthermore, we delved into the origins of Chinese characters and received an introduction to modern China. Following this, we learned about a traditional Chinese game called "Jianzi," also known as shuttlecock kicking. It appears that the basic kicking technique involves using the inner side of the foot.

インドのブースでは、ボリウッド映画『地上の星 Taare Zameen Par』の「bum bum bole」という曲で踊りました。この映画は、いじめられ見放されていた男の子が、美術教師の助けで絵の才能を発揮して自信を取り戻すストーリーです。歌詞は「世界とは、自分自身が作り出したものさ、見る人によって違って見える。自分の羽を広げて新しい色で塗り上げよう。新しい夢を紡ぐんだ。さあ、踊って楽しもう!」という内容でした。
At the Indian booth, we danced to the tune of "bum bum bole" from the Bollywood movie "Taare Zameen Par." This film narrates the story of a child who was bullied and abandoned but rediscovers confidence by showcasing artistic talents nurtured with the guidance of an art teacher. The lyrics convey a message encouraging children: "The world is what you make of it. It's in the eye of the beholder. Come, let's think openly. Spread your wings. Spread new colors. Come on now! Let's weave new dreams!"


今回は、一般社団法人国際教育協会専務理事でもあり、世田谷区議会議員でもある「神尾りさ」さんが、慶應大学院や東京大学のボランティア学生さんを取り纏め、このプログラムを監修してくださいました。また、国際関係のコンサルタントである坂田さん、多文化共生を目指して活動し現在2000名以上の会員がいる国際団体HOME IN JAPANの皆さま、また午後に開催された日本語と英語で行うバイリンガルヨガのクラスを担当するミラ先生にもご協力いただきました。ボランティア学生さん達は、直前の期末テストで忙しく、その後能登半島地震の瓦礫処理ボランティアへ参加していた方もいたり、直前で2名が怪我をするなど大変な状況の中で、頑張って色々な準備をしてくださいました。アリくん、ウルヴィさん、クリスくん、シンマンさん、ダイキくん、ご協力賜りました皆さまへこの場を借りて御礼申し上げます。
This time, Ms. Risa Kamio, who serves as the Executive Director of the General Incorporated Association for International Education and also as a Setagaya Ward Assembly member, coordinated volunteers from Keio University Graduate School and the University of Tokyo to oversee this program. Additionally, we would like to express our gratitude to Ms. Sakata, an international relations consultant, and to the members of HOME IN JAPAN, an international organization with over 2000 members dedicated to promoting multicultural coexistence. We are also thankful to Ms. Meera, who led the bilingual yoga class held in the afternoon. The student volunteers worked hard amidst busy schedules, one even participating in volunteer activities for debris disposal after the Noto Peninsula earthquake, and others facing injuries at the last minute. Despite these challenging circumstances, Ali-kun, Urvi-san, Chris-kun, Shinman-san, Daiki-kun, and all supporters, we extend our sincere thanks to you for your dedication and various preparations for this event.