2024.8.24 Yoga Social: Stretch and Share幸せホルモンあふれるセロトニンヨガ®&英会話 & International Takoyaki Cooking Party 国際交流イベント「米粉deタコパ♪」
2024.10.26 Join us for the annual Halloween Event in Ikenoue 池ノ上無料イベント『ハロウィンの夜を楽しもう』
2024-10-09News お知らせ
Link & Learn International
2024.08.31 Disaster Preparedness in Setagaya – Sharing Stories, Insights for Expats, and the 3/11 Experience
「世田谷区における防災準備 ワークショップ– 外国人向けの知識・体験の共有と3.11の経験の共有」

2024年8月31日、『Mind & Body Harmony: Meditation and Yoga★夏の疲れを癒すリラックスヨガ&メディテーション★』というヨガニドラを取り入れたバイリンガルヨガイベントを開催しました。リラックスヨガで体をほぐした後、シャヴァーサナ(屍のポーズ)で心地よい先生の声に耳を傾けながら、寝ているのか起きているのか、その境界をさまよい、深いリラックスの境地を楽しみました。1時間のヨガと瞑想のイベントの後は、いつものように豆乳ベースのフルーツスムージーを飲みながら英会話を楽しみました。
Link & Learn Internationalでは、在日外国人と日本人地域社会をつなぐ架け橋となることを目指し、今後もこういったワークショップを無償で継続して開催していく予定です。今回、オンラインでの参加を希望された方もいらっしゃいましたが、機材の準備が間に合わず、オフラインのみでの開催となりました。ご希望があれば、同じ内容での再開催も検討いたしますので、メールでお問い合わせください。

On August 31, 2024, we hosted a bilingual yoga event titled "Mind & Body Harmony: Meditation and Yoga★Relaxing Yoga & Meditation to Soothe Summer Fatigue★," incorporating Yoga Nidra. After easing our bodies with gentle yoga, we entered a deep state of relaxation during Shavasana (Corpse Pose), guided by the soothing voice of our instructor, floating between wakefulness and sleep. Following the one-hour yoga and meditation session, we enjoyed casual English conversation over refreshing soy-based fruit smoothies.
We then conducted a disaster preparedness workshop, entirely in English, for foreign residents living in Setagaya Ward. The workshop covered essential information such as the population of Tokyo and Setagaya, the capacity of local evacuation shelters, Setagaya’s disaster preparedness gift catalog, and practical guidance on what and how to prepare for emergencies. Additionally, we provided tips specifically for non-Japanese residents, such as how to locate places to make international calls in an emergency and the differences between the Japanese and English versions of Setagaya’s disaster maps. We also revisited important yet often overlooked emergency resources, like homes that provide well water during disasters, AEDs, and fire extinguishers installed throughout the neighborhood, which are typically labeled only in Japanese.
At Link & Learn International, we remain committed to bridging the gap between foreign residents and the local Japanese community by continuing to offer these workshops free of charge. Although some participants expressed interest in joining online, we were unable to arrange the necessary equipment in time, so the event was held in person only. If there is sufficient interest, we would be happy to hold a repeat session. Please feel free to contact us via email at info@linkandlearn.jp if you'd like to participate.