2024.03.23 Wake Up Yoga & Sakura Walking Tour Report 朝ヨガ&桜散歩ツアー レポート
2024.04.19 & 26th Yoga & Smoothie Report 朝ヨガ英会話&スムージー
2024-04-26News お知らせ
Link & Learn International
Call for Volunteers ボランティア募集
Call for volunteers to support a Shopping Guide Tour for foreign exchange students on Saturday, April 27, 2024

\\ 英語ボランティア募集 //
どんな店で何が買えるのか、物の見分け方、 ベジタリアン、グルテンフリー、ハラール対応、 英語の通じる病院や薬局のシステムなど、 日本人ガイド1名が英語で説明する予定で、 行く場所や話す内容は既に大体決まっています。
今回募集するボランティアさんには、 ツアーに同行し学生さんと一緒に歩きながら、 個々の質問に答えて頂いたり、 ツアーの補足やサポートをお願いできればと思います。
今のところ 4月27日(土)午後1時~4時
- 高低差のあるルートで2時間以上歩きまわる体力のある方
- 海外生活と日本の生活の違いなどに通じている方
- ある程度の通訳や物事の詳しい説明ができる英語力のある方(目安:準一級やTOEIC750点相当)
- 事前のZOOMでのオンラインの打ち合わせに参加できる方
若干名 1,2名
お名前、英語レベル、国際的な経験や背景を書いて info@linkandlearn.jp までお送りください。
【Call for Volunteers :Support International Students】
We are organizing a tour of local shopping areas around Shimokitazawa Station, starting from Ikenoue Station on the Keio Inokashira Line, with several international university students who have recently arrived in Japan.
The tour aims to provide guidance on local shopping closely related to daily life, covering topics such as what can be bought at various stores, how to identify items, vegetarian, gluten-free, and halal options, as well as English-speaking hospitals and the Japanese pharmacy system.
A Japanese guide will provide explanations in English, and the destinations and topics of discussion are already mostly determined.
We are seeking volunteers to accompany the tour, walk with the students, and answer individual questions or provide additional support during the tour. If you were once an international student yourself and have insights to share from your own experiences, we welcome your support to enhance the tour content.
Currently scheduled for April 27th (Saturday), from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM
(There is a possibility of extending for another day depending on applications).
Must have the physical stamina to walk for over two hours on routes with elevation changes.Familiarity with differences between life abroad and life in Japan.
Please provide your name, English proficiency level, and international experiences or background.
A few volunteers, 1 or 2.
Please provide your name, English proficiency level, and international experiences or background via email at info@linkandlearn.jp