2024.8.15 list of upcoming events in August 8月下旬のイベントのお知らせ
2024.08.31 Disaster Preparedness in Setagaya – Sharing Stories, Insights for Expats, and the 3/11 Experience 「世田谷区における防災準備 ワークショップ– 外国人向けの知識・体験の共有と3.11の経験の共有」
2024-09-03News お知らせ
Link & Learn International
2024.8.24 Yoga Social: Stretch and Share幸せホルモンあふれるセロトニンヨガ®&英会話
International Takoyaki Cooking Party 国際交流イベント「米粉deタコパ♪」Report レポート

On August 24, 2024, we held a Serotonin Yoga® event along with an international exchange event. Serotonin Yoga is designed to activate serotonin, often referred to as the "happiness hormone." In this session, we added a twist to the traditional Sun Salutation to create a soothing flow that enhances concentration, followed by a deep relaxation phase. The class was led by a bilingual instructor in both Japanese and English. After the yoga session, we had an English conversation time where Japanese participants who had studied in Canada and the Philippines enjoyed speaking in English with foreign guests from those countries.
また、ヨガクラスの後には国際交流イベントとしてタコ焼きパーティーが開催されました。HOME IN JAPANという多文化共生コミュニティ創設を目指す非営利団体が主催し、Link & Learn Internationalが協賛しました。HOME IN JAPANは、日本に住むすべての人にとって憩いの場となる「くらすHOUSE」を創り、海外から愛される日本、そして日本人にも愛される日本をみんなで作っていこうと活動しています。通常のたこ焼きは小麦粉を使用していますが、今回のタコ焼きパーティーでは、農林水産省も推奨している米粉をベースにしたたこ焼きを作りました。米粉はグルテンフリーで小麦アレルギーの方も食べられ、食物繊維やビタミンも豊富です。さらに、ナンプラーやパクチーを使ったベトナム風たこ焼きも楽しみました。
Home In Japan については↓
After the yoga class, we hosted a takoyaki party as an international exchange event. The event was organized by HOME IN JAPAN, a nonprofit organization dedicated to creating a multicultural community, with support from Link & Learn International. HOME IN JAPAN aims to establish "Kurasu HOUSE," a place where everyone living in Japan can feel at home, and to build a Japan that is loved by both locals and people from around the world. While traditional takoyaki is made with wheat flour, at this party, we used rice flour, which is recommended by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. Rice flour is gluten-free, making it suitable for those with wheat allergies, and it’s also rich in fiber and vitamins. We also enjoyed a Vietnamese-style takoyaki made with fish sauce and coriander.
Home In Japan website: https://lit.link/homeinjapan