


2024.04.19 & 26th Yoga & Smoothie Report 朝ヨガ英会話&スムージー

2週続けて金曜日の朝にバイリンガルのヨガ講師ミラ先生による日本語と英語の朝ヨガが行われました。参加者は日本人含めて6か国と多国籍になりました。ヨガ後のミニグループワークと豆乳ベースの苺ブルーベリーバナナのスムージーを楽しみました。Over the past two weeks, on Friday mornings, we've had bilingual yoga sessions led by instructor Mirai-sensei. People from six different countries, including Japan, joined in, making it quite an international group. After yoga, we had some fun with mini-group activities and enjoyed strawberry-blueberry-banana smoothies made with soy milk.

2024.03.23 Wake Up Yoga & Sakura Walking Tour Report 朝ヨガ&桜散歩ツアー レポート

On Saturday, March 23, 2024, we, Link and Learn International, hosted our second event at the Ikenoue Studio. The day began with a refreshing yoga class called "Wake up to Yoga" led by Meera Sensei. Participants then engaged in small group sessions, where they connected with each other by sharing moments of joy and happiness.